Workshop 2: Laboratory Organizational Workshop

Beyond Moore Computing Working Group

December 13 & 14, 2016

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Bldg. 59 Room 4102 (4th floor) or Zoom
1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, California 94720

Meeting Goals

  1. Review and finalize current “Solving the Information Technology Challenge Beyond Moore’s Law” document. The current document focuses primarily on what the labs bring to the table in each of these respective areas (Materials, Devices, Hardware, Software).
  2. Create a “missing” chapter that describes how these areas work together as an integrated whole. This involves developing a better story for how each area interact, what artifacts they exchange to promote a functioning co-design framework. This will be the focus of the breakout groups.
  3. Improve the description of features of our collaboration that differentiates it from the Beyond Moore activities at other agencies. (for example, unique capabilities of DOE, how better cross-discipline interaction generates more impactful results).
  4. Update the 2016 Big Ideas Summit whitepaper to prepare for BIS17 (due Jan 4).


Day 1: Tuesday, 12/13/16

Time Topic Presenters
8:30 – 9:00 AM Check-in and refreshments
9:00 – 10:00 AM Plenary Session

  • Introduction
  • Goals and agenda
  • Update on external outreach
  • Denis Mamaluy will give example of progress by peers in SRC/NSF
  • Overview of current whitepaper & Feedback from DOE HQ
Rick, Ramesh, John, & Denis Mamaluy


10:00 – 10:15 AM Break in to first WG Rotation
Breakout 1: Software WG + Hardware WG
Breakout 2: Materials WG + Devices WG
10:15 AM – Noon WG: First Rotation Breakout Groups
Noon – 1:15 PM Working Lunch
1:15 – 3:00 PM WG: Second Rotation Breakout Groups
Breakout 3: Hardware WG + Devices WG
Breakout 4: Advanced Manufacturing focus area (+ representatives from other groups)
3:00 – 3:30 PM Break
3:30 – 5:00PM Report Outs: 20 minutes per team + 1 hour discussion

  1. Breakout Group 1 (3:30-3:50)
  2. Breakout Group 2 (3:50-4:10)
  3. Breakout Group 3 (4:10—4:30)
  4. Breakout Group 4 (4:30-5pm)
5:00 PM Adjourn Day 1

Day 2: Wednesday, 12/14/16

Time Topic Presenters
8:00 – 8:30 AM Check-in and refreshments
8:30 – 9:00 AM Plenary Session: goals for day 2 Ramesh


9:00 – 10:00 AM Outline Development
10:00 – 10:15 AM Break
10:15 – 11:30 AM Finalize outline
Writing Assignments and timeline
11:30 AM – Noon Closing Remarks/wrap-up
Noon Adjourn Day 2


Name Affiliation
Agarwal Sapan Sandia National Laboratory
Bruillard Paul Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Chien Andrew Argonne National Laboratory
Civale Leonardo Los Alamos National Laboratory
Culhane Candace Los Alamos National Laboratory
Donofrio David Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Ericson Nance Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Gokhale Maya Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Gotthold David Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Heinonen Olle Argonne National Laboratory
Hoffmann Axel Argonne National Laboratory
Kaminski Adam Ames Laboratory
Mamaluy Denis Sandia National Laboratories
Marinella Matthew Sandia National Laboratories
McCormick Frederick Sandia National Laboratories
McQueeney Robert Ames Laboratory
Michelogiannakis George Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Misra Shashank Sandia National Laboratories
Naulleau Patrick Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Ovchinnikova Olga Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Pooser Raphael Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ramesh Ramamoorthy Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Shalf John Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Sushko Petr Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Talin Albert Sandia National Laboratory
Taylor Antoinette Los Alamos National Laboratory
Vetter Jeffrey Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Yarotski Dmitry Los Alamos National Laboratory